Where Can I Find a Good Addiction Treatment Center to Bring My Husband To?

Question by blair *: Where can I find a good addiction treatment center to bring my husband to?
My husband has been addicted to alcohol for years now. Recently, I gave him an ultimatum. Either he gets himself treated, or I’m filing for divorce. He now agrees to having himself treated. I was just wondering whether anyone could give me any ideas on how to find a good addiction treatment center.

Best answer:

Answer by zabone11
bring him to an AA meeting… he’ll get social support there. its totally by choice and its anoymous

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Q5: The 'best opportunity for success'

Filed under: addiction help center

Lisa Moon is the recovery services program manager at The Guidance Center, 500 Limit St., in Leavenworth. The center has recently expanded programming to include Intensive Outpatient Treatment, a level II substance abuse program. Here, Moon …
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In terms of parental apathy, heroin abuse and heroin-related crime, little has changed in the last five years, though Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan remains hopeful that outreach programs like the one being offered through the Delaware …
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