What Do You Think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does It Work or Not?

Question by youthadvocat20043: What do you think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does it work or not?
I asked this a little while ago and need more responses. Thanks. DARE is supposed to keep kids off drugs and it is common in public schools.
If possible please give sources. I really appreciate the help so far. Thank you all. Keep it up please.

Best answer:

Answer by daisy
Yes at least they get informed of the dangers and they try to detour you from getting involved and peer pressure.VERY GOOD PROGRAM

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Brushy Creek Beat: Great Oaks hosts annual Science Superstars Night

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

Exhibitors included Austin Aquaponics, Williamson County Museum, Texas Junior Master Gardeners, Williamson County Astronomy Club, Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District, Drug Abuse Resistance Education and Austin Geological Society. Meteorologist …
Read more on Austin American-Statesman


Hoops help KidsSport, others in Alberni

Filed under: drug abuse resistance education

The Port Alberni RCMP DARE Program also received $ 1,000. DARE has a special significance for Williams. Williams grew up in Jersey City, New Jersey, where opportunities for inner city youth were limited. The local DARE program made the difference …
Read more on Alberni Valley News