opiate addiction

I Recently Started the Methadone Clinic and Am on 45mg a Day. at What Dosage Will I Start to Feell Better?

Question by babysobluexx: I recently started the methadone clinic and am on 45mg a day. At what dosage will I start to feell better?
This is for opiate addiction treatment.

Best answer:

Answer by Artchick
That depends on your addiction or pain. No one here could answer that with any accuracy. Talk to your clinic.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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Orange County board of health talks substance abuse and legal options

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

Part of the board's regular monthly meeting was a panel discussion called “New Opportunities in Substance Abuse Treatment and the Legal System” with four panelists, Trish Hussey, executive director of the Freedom House Recovery Center; Lamar Proctor …
Read more on Durham Herald Sun


Drug Rehab Duluth Refocuses the View of Addiction

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

Drug Rehab Duluth announced news plans to emphasize removing the negative stereotypes of rehab to encourage more people to seek treatment. Because every addict is different, specialists at Drug Rehab Duluth are hoping to encourage recovering …
Read more on PR Web (press release)