Shopping Addiction..?

Question by mlryis: Shopping Addiction..?
Is it possible to be addicted to shopping? I go shopping every single weekend, and even sometimes during the week. If I dont go shopping I feel as if I have no clothes to wear and I feel kinda depressed and not so happy. But after I do go shopping I feel refreshed and relieved. Right now, my parents buy all my clothes and stuff but Im worried when I start to live on my own and purchase my own things, I wont be able to support my shopping addiction and I wont be able to function. Is it possible to be addicted to shopping? If so how can I fix this?

Best answer:

Answer by x0x-SxC-BaNaNaZ-x0x
its probably possible.
im not too sure, but you could try doing more of your other hobbies
like, if you like dancing, you could join a dance club, etc etc.
hope it works out. =]

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Dr. Laura Saunders – Shopping Addiction – WFSB Channel 3 – Dr. Laura Saunders, a physician at Hartford Hospital, speaks about shopping addiction. Aired 5/6/2011.


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