Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center


Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center – Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Rec…


Prescription-drug battle fuels rise in heroin use

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

State and federal officials have pressed their campaign against prescription-drug abuse with urgency, trying to contain a scourge that kills more than 16,000 people each year. The crackdown has helped reduce the illegal use of … Still, "I can't …
Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)


Pharmacists Blame Patient Fears on DEA

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Pharmacists and patient advocates say the results of a survey by the National Pain Foundation show that a crackdown on prescription painkillers by the Drug Enforcement Administration is causing fear and confusion in the pain community. In the survey of …
Read more on American News Report