Is There a Chance That Someone Who Uses Prescription Drugs Will Get Addicted to Them?

Question by annelise il: Is there a chance that someone who uses prescription drugs will get addicted to them?
I have just watched a tv show wherein the girl character keeps on ingesting pills. I think she’s addicted to them, but my sister says that you can’t get addicted to prescription drugs. Is this true? Or could addiction to prescription drugs really happen?

Best answer:

Answer by cassie f
It is true that someone can get addicted to prescription drugs. Unlike illegal drugs, however, prescription drug addiction usually starts because of a medical need for the drug. The addiction also progresses gradually. It worsens and the individual will start developing tolerance for the drug until they find that they are taking so much more than what they used to. Then their life will start revolving around the medication. If you know someone who happens to be addicted to prescription drugs, please tell them that help is always available and it would be better if they get themselves treated immediately.

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What is sizzurp? Justin Bieber reportedly addicted to dangerous drink

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In the wake of the troubled teen idol's DUI arrest in Miami, reports are circulating that the singer's handlers want to put him in rehab for an addiction to the homemade party drink, commonly a mixture of prescription drugs codeine and promethazine …
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