How Do I Find the Perfect Addiction Treatment Center for My Boyfriend Who’s a Drug Addict?

Question by Belinda B: How do I find the perfect addiction treatment center for my boyfriend who’s a drug addict?
My boyfriend is a drug addict. He started taking drugs when he lost his job in an advertising firm, which he loves to pieces. I can’t really blame him you know, but I don’t want him to get harmed either. I have been trying to urge him to go to an addiction treatment center but to no avail.

Recently however, we found out that I’m pregnant, and we’re gonna be parents soon. This sort of changed his outlook; he told me he doesn’t want our child to have a father who’s a drug addict. So now we’re looking for an addiction treatment center to help him out. Got any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by dragonludovic
Losing a job is a bad excuse to take drugs, what about the love for you. make sure your baby is not addicted too. He can stop if he wants will power is the key. Don’t listen to his excuses, people on drugs are full of them I know my friend die from heroine abuse………….

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ProfNet Experts Available on New Year's Resolutions, Nelson Mandela, More

Filed under: addiction help center

She is a life coach certified by the Life Mastery Institute; and a board member and past president of Chrysalis House Inc., a long-term treatment center for women and their children whose lives are overtaken by substance abuse or criminal convictions.
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Bulletin Board

Filed under: addiction help center

Family Support Group, 5 p.m. third Thursday of the month at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center. For any cancer diagnosis. For dates and times, call (712) 252-9370. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Hawkeye Club basement, …
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Secret Santa Stories of Heartwarming Connections

Filed under: addiction help center

He had given up to a life riddled with drug addiction and a girlfriend who had nearly given hope on him. A story that is so heartbreaking, Coates … Carol Hefty endured a loss after the storm and visited the disaster center for help. Secret Santa …
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