Drug Treatment News

My Parents & Me Smoking Marijuana?

Question by : My Parents & Me Smoking Marijuana?
Recently, I’ve been getting back in to smoking weed.
My parents have smoked plenty of weed in their day and I found my step-dad’s bowl and stash of Mids (lol) about a year ago. I was caught twice being high by my parents and the first time I managed to talk my way out of it by saying I drank too many red bulls (I was pretty paranoid/scared). The second time I got grounded, blah blah. But now I have brought up marijuana in conversations saying my friends all do it and stuff and my mom says its normal for kids to smoke weed. And I came home after my mom knowing I had hung out with said-friends who smoke weed. I accidentally dropped something and my mom jokingly, but seriously said under her breath to my step-dad and sister “I can see you’ve been partaking” and I said “what?”, she replied “Nothing”. My parents keep giving me mixed signals about marijuana and I am usually straight-up honest with them about everything. Should I talk with them about smoking weed? Or just keep it a secret still?

And don’t say things like “Weed is bad for you!”, cause it’s NOT. Do some research.
Haha. Thanks guys, I didn’t expect answers that fast! I’m gonna continue and then If my mom asks I’ll be straight up honest. Parents like honesty, from what I’ve seen.

Best answer:

Answer by Jorge
This question reminds me of the song that goes “I’m a druggie, he’s a druggie, she’s a druggie, wouldn’t you like to be a druggie too?”

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