Do You Have an Addiction or Craving You CANNOT Seem to Shake??


Do you have an addiction or craving you CANNOT seem to shake?? – Eckhart Tolle is known as “the most popular spiritual author in the nation” and every time I start to read any of his books, I immediately get brought back t…


Why Canada banned pot (science had nothing to do with it)

Filed under: addiction help books

“It behooves the people in Canada and the United States, to consider the desirability of these visitors — for they are visitors — and to say whether or not we shall be 'at home' to them for the future,” she wrote in her subsequent book The Black …
Read more on MetroNews Canada


Heroin addict burglar Patrick Dandas leaves victim 'angry, upset, frightened

Filed under: addiction help books

She woke up to find Dandas leaning over her trying to steal her mobile phone – but then pretended he had come to the house for help.. “He told her that he was running away from the police and asked for assistance. Instead Ms Scukova went to wake up her …
Read more on Kent Online


Defending moms who drink (and swear)

Filed under: addiction help books

I believe that these jokes have opened up a very important dialogue, inappropriate as it may be, about how stressful and difficult motherhood can be for some, and so, as a psychotherapist who specializes in addiction and trauma, and the author of a …
Read more on ChicagoNow (blog)