Substance Abuse Treatment Portland Maine


substance abuse treatment portland maine – This is the psycho-educational addiction and psychological wellness recovery system readily available 24/7. It offers resources regardless of whether that yo…


Are drug companies using your health records to sell you stuff?

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

The problem is that consumers don't want health information used to sell them medical services. … If a patient confides in a doctor about an ailment, and then gets a mailing about a possible treatment, "that would be pretty upsetting," Mostashari …
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Judge: Cook may deserve longer prison sentence

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Given his status as a judge, the extensive duration of Cook's criminal conduct without any effort to obtain treatment for his drug addiction. * The disruption of governmental functions. * Loss of public confidence in the judicial system caused by …
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Little Rock Home For Recovering Addicts Sparks Neighborhood Controversy

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Eventually he turned his attention to helping others who suffer from addiction. He describes the “chem-free” services his non-profit provides. “When an individual is in the Chem-free environment, they have already completed their in-patient treatment.
Read more on KUAR