Is It Illegal to Give Bulking Steroids to Horses?

Question by Harry: Is it illegal to give bulking steroids to horses?
Like there are steroids and stuff (pellets) that can be given to bulken livestock. Is it illegal to use them on a horse?


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Answer by Ruffian

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Boys Kidnapped In Massachusetts, One's Throat Slashed

Filed under: drug treatment programs in massachusetts

But the court also ordered that Smith could be released to house arrest after completing a drug and alcohol program, according to court records. He was … According to police, Stout receives treatment for impulsive behavior, anxiety disorder, and ADHD.
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Advocates say the fix for Virginia's broken mental health care system isn't

Filed under: drug treatment programs in massachusetts

A Program of Assertive Community Treatment, or PACT, acts as a one-stop shop for those at high risk for hospitalization—a familiar team of caregivers managing meds and other treatments for some 80 individuals. Police officers … My husband and I …
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Psychiatry Practice Changers: 2013

Filed under: drug treatment programs in massachusetts

The dimensional diagnostic system also better correlates with identifying treatment needs and implementing treatment. By listing disorders that are neurobiologically more closely related next to each other, the revised chapter order is intended to …
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